Collection: Fidget spinner rings

We love our spinning rings! To bring the necessary calm to the racing mind of our amazing, creative, athletic daughter, we went on our own journey to find something that would help. Besides stumbling across a "Brain Balance" center in our area by pure luck and seeing the fantastic success while going through their program (- but that's a story for another time -), we came across the "spinning rings."

These fidget rings can improve learning as they allow the brain to filter out extra sensory information.

They can Aid In:
* Active listening
* Focus
* Test-taking
* Concentration
* Calming nerves
* Distraction from an overstimulating environment

Spinning the rings is as well a very welcome alternative to biting and picking nails!

    Different than other fidget toys that attempt to keep hands busy while calming the mind, these fidgets don't come in a clanking tin can and lid, that clatters on classroom floors when trying to extract the thinking putty, and they don't produce the popping sounds of ever-growing pop-it toys which become more a distraction than a help to concentrate, our spinning rings don't need two hands. They can be fidget with very discreetly and quietly with just the movement of one finger. Most people wear them on the index or middle finger of the non-dominant hand and spin them with the thumb as this has proven to be the easiest. This way the dominant hand is free to keep on writing or typing.

Besides our spinning rings, you might find earrings and other pieces of jewelry that speak to you. All of them "spoke to us" or they would not be in our store. ;-)